
technology solutions 

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About us

Grobler Tech strives to provide technology solutions to the South African agriculture market. Our solutions are developed to provide an easy to use technology base for farmers.

We offer a range of products that incorporates the latest technologies, thereby providing our clients everything they need to make the future a reality today. 

Smart farm

Smart connected technologies allow for a safer and manageable farm. Our technologies incorporate the best of cloud solutions with offline access to provide our clients with the tools to manage their farms & homes.

With a range of product from standalone controllers to complete automation systems, we supply hardware as well as custom turn-key solutions. 


Experience a new world

Put yourself at the center of an extraordinary technology universe with our groundbreaking products.

Experience the joy and relaxation of a farm fueled with technologies developed to simplify your world


Farmers cant operate in the dark. Hybrid and off-grid solutions provide farmers with the electricity required to keep their farm and home up and running. Our solutions range from micro backups systems to high voltage off-grid systems.

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AI weed control

Agronomic imaging solutions for plant detection, recognition and health. Using camera technology to detect weeds, specifying them, locating them, treating them, and giving their density in real time. We aim to reduce doses, actions, passages, and thus reduce costs and the impact on the environment.

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Farm security is not optional. We offer a collection of security products focused on farms. These include CCTV cameras, alarm systems and GPS devices